“I hate having my pictures taken!” or “I am not photogenic!” or “I hate picture!” – These are phrase we are conversant with but we do not give-up nor panic when we hear them because we understand that they are only camera shy. Since our inception, we have helped lots of clients evolve from camera-shy to camera confident. Subsequent to our researches, we understand that
Hi there. Creating great photos requires great lighting and sometimes, great lighting can be a tad too expensive. Getting a box of lighting or a couple speedlights so you can position the light at the right spot can be somewhat bank breaking but
Gels are thin sheets of colored plastic that are placed over the light to change the color of the light hitting the subject or background/backdrop of a shoot. Gels come in different colors and sizes and are used for beauty or color correction purposes. The Tungsten gels can be use to correct the color falling on a models body especial when the surrounded environment
Adjust until your subject is clear in sight and then you press the shutter. Placing the subject of an image in focus is key to achieving the purpose of that image. Every image has a focus subject. This could either be a person or a group of people or an item on display either way, your subject is the reason you are taking the
Photography is a profession fueled by passion and creativity. Both attributes work and walk together, side by side to achieve maximum result. The thing here is, one can do without the other but if you want to attain the height of heights and soar well above the crowd and reach the level where the legends in the industry have settled, you need but feats
Wedding photography is a very interesting aspect of photography. To some it seems stressful to others its just not their thing but to the ones who it may concern, it is very exciting. Yes it is a type of commercial photography but there is a lot of art that goes into and comes out from it. Wedding photography is about a lot of things