
Insigna Media

Wedding photography is a very interesting aspect of photography. To some it seems stressful to others its just not their thing but to the ones who it may concern, it is very exciting.

Yes it is a type of commercial photography but there is a lot of art that goes into and comes out from it. Wedding photography  is about a lot of things but its mainly about capturing not just moments but also memories. As a wedding photographer its extremely important to be able to connect with your clients not just seeing them as clients but also friends in a way, that way you’re able to know their style, know how they connect with each other and also with other people.

Shooting weddings turns you into a lot of things….. You become a fashion photographer, product photographer, event photographer and  a story teller. You also have to be very sensitive to pay attention to the tiniest details.

For me, I also find the collaborative aspect of wedding photography very interesting, take for instance you hire a wedding photographer who generally is amazing with portraits but lacks that extra “pizazz” when it comes to the fashion aspect… Yes he’ll take amazing photos of the dress, the tux and other things but it may not be as mind blowing as someone who has intricate knowledge about fashion, so if these two people come together just imagine the kind of magical images they would create.

Some people feel like there’s not much artistic expression that goes into wedding photography and i wont lie, I tow the same line until i started seeing some amazing wedding photographs that instantly had me planning my own wedding. To be an amazing wedding photographer you have to first be an artist and storyteller, you have to know how to capture emotions and frankly, that’s an art on its own.

The Nigerian wedding photography scene is rapidly growing, wedding photographers here are learning to find their style which is extremely important and I’m certain that in the next few years, wedding photography in Nigeria will be even more artistic than it already is

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