Heavy Traffic, Busy people minding their own business, Hawkers pushing their wares in your face, Conductors tugging you back and forth with hopes that you'll grace their cars with your presence and their hands with your cash, Food vendors selling the best homemade delicacies at the lowest price available. This is the chaos that is Lagos
Hi there. Creating great photos requires great lighting and sometimes, great lighting can be a tad too expensive. Getting a box of lighting or a couple speedlights so you can position the light at the right spot can be somewhat bank breaking but
Emotions; Love, Hate, Anger, Happiness, Sadness. Some people now even believe hunger is an emotion because of its strong control over the human temperament; lol, oh well, that's left for them to decide. Colors on the other hand are representation of perceived features; Good is white, Evil is black, Danger is red, Boys are blue and Girls are pink. Everything that exists has a