
Insigna Media
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Is photography in itself sustainable? Can a good photography business survive only by taking pictures? With the global impact of Covid-19 on all businesses, it is only wise to put your eggs in different baskets to stay afloat, survive, and thrive and for the creative industry, it is no different. Studio rental is a hot new niche you can try. With social media and digital marketing, lots of content creators and photographers are looking for a space to work, and that is why we created Pickastudio.

It is a platform that allows photographers and content creators to rent a studio space or equipment. As a hub and market space, Pickastudio connects space users to owners via their website It helps photographers and content creators find creative spaces near them.

The rise in the use of smartphones for photography as well as ever-increasing technology in documenting moments and times has created a digital battle. Also, the increasing number of skilled photographers and amateurs who are willing to be paid anything poses a competitive threat to the pro photographer who charge high amounts for their time and expert skill. Going by the number of photographers present online, the market is becoming saturated as well as competitive too with people acquiring skills to keep at the forefront.

As a pro photographer, it is important to start looking at ways to create multiple income asides from what you regularly do. Now there are tons of choices within and outside the photography space and creative industry as a whole, from selling stock images to value-added services such as photo frames/ portraits and photo books. Not excluding sales of E-books, preset master classes as well as training aspiring photographers. The streams are endless as far you think so. One rising aspect of diversification is studio rental. By renting out your studio space and equipment so you can make more money in these times. As pricy as photography equipment can be, it would be great to make returns on money spent on them.

Your options in studio rental can be from getting a studio space furnished and equipped or empty studio space, or putting up your studio for rent when it is not in use. Marketing and advertising your studio space would not be hard thanks to Pickastudio. With access to over 4000 photographers in Lagos alone, get ready to be booked and busy. To start sign up on .