Date; 20th May, 2018
Location; Calabar
Lead Photographer; Nil
Learning from scratch the art of photography is probably like learning to talk, its gradual and talk time and consistency and it never stops because even after you master the art of speech, continually; you learn new words and phrases and grammatical techniques.
It’s been just almost two years since I started my photographic journey and there are tales to tell. Some are funny, others may not be bone shaking but they are not moments I’d like to relive again.
It starts with the obsession over documenting the life around you; plant life, trees, animals, people and then over time gets stream lined to certain subject; maybe still life or the environment or merely documenting people in relation to their chosen habitat or a bit more control over the creativity in your photos. Either way, you ascend a ladder on the path to a certain destination, a certain goal.
Most times, we get lost in the journey that we barely take just a moment to look back on where we’ve come from, the bridges we’ve crossed, the milestones we’ve accomplished. We’re locked onto what can that we take not time to look at the growth that has occurred. Maybe the past seems irrelevant but in it lays little pieces that forge the whole that we are today and just maybe, there are still pieces that could even make us better persons and more creative photographers.
Words; Ufana Ishoyor
Image; (Used with Permission) Bern Paul Ushie
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