
Insigna Media
  -  Events   -  Colors and Emotions; Concert.

Lights, Camera, Wild Crowd, MUSIC…, now that’s Action. Concerts are the bomb, if you ever attend one; all you can do is hunger for more.

Every concert is made by different components: Sound, Choreography, Music line up and Lighting. The lights set the mood and pace for the sound that follows.

Having been and shot various concerts, it has been established that a concert’s lighting can make or destroy that concert. You can’t have your fans leave your concerts saying stuffs like “that concert sef, the sound legit but person no fit even see wetin de happen for stage well well”.

Also, your media team depends on the lighting, the cameramen need the lights to be at their best unless your still and motion pictures would come out terrible.

Most importantly; The Fans. The audience is the primary focus because na them dey buy ticket’. The light creates the atmosphere, the people already know the songs but the lights create the emotional environment for the fans to connect. If you’re going to perform hip hop or rock; it is most preferably to use bright, flashing light that is synchronized with the beats. This is like putting fuel into burning flames but in this case, the results are splendid. Slow music should be met with still colored light so the crowd can maintain calm and digest and finally, Solo performances are best accompanied by spot light on the artiste, the create a magical effect and draw the audience attention to the artist performing.

Concert lights create the feels for your concert to be legit and without them, you’d simply be another live mp3 player and according to common survey, those things aren’t popular anymore.

Have you been to any concerts? What were your views on the lighting? we’d love to hear from you, slide into our comments box and tell us your experiences.




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